
It is very entertaining.
It teaches you how to make tea,
Or how to catch a bee.
If you watch it for hours,
You are not free.


linia kids 

It’s something that you chew.
That’s my first clue.
It’s usually mint.
That’s my second hint.
If you chew till noon,
You’ll get a balloon.


linia kids 

It has got a car,
But no wheels.
It has got a pet,
But no fleas.


linia kids 

It can fly.
It has butter in it,
But you cannot eat it.


linia kids 

I’m long when I’m young.
I’m short when I’m old.
When there is no light,
People think I’m gold.


linia kids 

What is in the center of the Earth?


linia kids 

What has got arms but cannot touch?
